Yo! I seriously hate school , test & exams. Urgh , seriously! I had enough problems and you had to be one of them , seriously. Unreasonable?Demanding?Lecturing?Pressure? Seriously, try being in my shoes want? 3-4 test a day. Does it even make sense? Wake up early in the morning, half-wake , force ourselves out of bed and go to school and get lecture for something we did not even do, get blame for something that never even happened. Just because party a complains about party b means party b is totally at wrong and party b get condemns and is severely dealt with emotionally , when party a started everything and fabricated a story pushing all the blame on party b ? Does this even make any logic and its not base solely on evidence but just speech of party a and not party b . Apparently , no one bothered finding out the truth, no one actually care who was the innocent one , as long as there's someone to take responsible for it, everything is solved. That's when everyone condemns you for something you did not do but as a teenager ,how are you gonna defence yourself ? Defenceless , helpless and go through all this terror , getting haunted everyday resulting in nightmares , phobia in reality .
true love? love ? game ?

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